Project Coordinator and Leader; Fòrema is the training and consulting company of Confindustria Veneto Est.
Founded in Padua in 1983, Fòrema has established itself over time as a point of reference for the growth of people and the competitiveness of local businesses, thanks to the development of increasingly innovative know-how and services.
EVTA – European Vocational Trainig Association
The European Vocational Training Association – EVTA is a leading European network in the field of VET. It includes members from several European countries, representing thousands of key players in the field of education and training.
EVTA was established in 1998 following the development of a cooperation programme on international mobility called Euroqualification. The project was the first experience of transnational cooperation for training organisations at the national level, and, thanks to its success, it led to the establishment of EVTA as a framework for permanent cooperation among VET institutions with the aim of increasing VET providers’ commitment and cooperation with public authorities.

FAV – Fondazione Aldini Vaeriani
“Fondazione Aldini Valeriani per lo Sviluppo della Cultura tecnica” (FAV) is a private and non-profit organisation set up in Bologna in 1997 by the the Bologna City Council, the Bologna Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Craft and Agriculture and by the Industrial Association of Bologna (now Confindustria Emilia – Area Centro, namely the Industrial Association of Bologna, Modena and Ferrara) with the main aim to create a centre of excellence for the developing of technical culture.
Recognised as an authoritative point of reference for initiatives that valorise technical and technological specialisations as promoters of culture and development, FAV is involved in all levels of education, from Vocational Educational and Training paths, the initial guidance and integrated learning paths for schools to higher, post-diploma training and continuous and life-long learning.
After the merger process with Nuova Didactica (the previous training organisation of Confindustria Modena) starting from 1st of July 2024, FAV has become to all intents and purposes the School of Industrial management of Confindustria Emilia – Area Centro) and is configured as the largest training structure in the Confindustrial system in Italy.
Gdoce – Grupo Empresarial de Servicios
Gdoce is an entity specialised in the provision of services oriented to the development of human capital in organisations, both for the public and private sectors, offering innovative and quality solutions, and betting on an intensive use of new technologies as the main axis of our management and service provision policy.

Founded in Budapest in 2000, its mission is to innovate business organisation and management models by transferring research results to companies through training and accompanying/advisory activities.
Operating under the brand ‘Formáció Csoport,’ PC-Trend is active in two main areas: Organisational Development and Managerial Growth with a Focus on SMEs and HR, and Network Creation.
Previform – Laboratório, Formação, Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho
Previform is specialized in external hygiene and safety services at work since 2005, and also provides consulting services in food safety, implementation of quality systems and training. The company is prepared to efficiently meet the needs of client companies in these areas.

Veneto Lavoro
Established in 1998, Veneto Lavoro is a regional instrumental body with a public legal personality, possessing organisational, administrative, accounting, and financial autonomy. It is responsible for directing, operationally coordinating, monitoring, and managing personnel within the public employment services network, and in 2018, it incorporated the region’s 40 Employment Centres.